Lab members author a chapter in "Urban Agroecology"

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Urban Agroecology book chapter written by lab members

Chapter 1: An expanded scope of biodiversity in urban agriculture, with implications for conservation by Sacha K. Heath, Nina S. Fogel, Jennifer C. Mullikin and Trey Hull

A little bit from the chapter:

“Urban agriculture is a major component of urban green infrastructure, which includes private residential gardens, community (in North America) or allotment (in Europe) gardens, green roofs and vertical walls, and urban orchards (Lin and Egerer 2017). Given the space urban agriculture occupies in cities, and agriculture's dependence on beneficial services conferred by animals (i.e., pollination and predation), urban agroecosystems are positioned to play a key role in harboring and potentially sustaining biodiversity in cities (Lin et al. 2015, Lin and Egerer 2017, Artmann and Sartison 2018).

We set out to explore what is known by the scientific community about the role of urban agroecosystems and urban agriculture broadly in biodiversity conservation. We performed a systematic review and explicitly used broadly defined terms in an attempt to capture studies from urban agricultural settings around the world with a diversity of perspectives about what is meant by biodiversity and conservation.

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