Gerardo part of upcoming "Pollinators in the City Speaker Series"


Gerardo part of pollinators in the city speaker series presented by Ohio State University.

The Ohio State University is hosting a pollinators in the city speaker series from November 29th through December 3rd at 10am EASTERN. The webinar series will focus on the biology and human dynamics of pollinator conservation in urban settings.

Gerardo is joined by other pollinator experts across the midwest and Toronto to discuss issues related to bees, urban ecology, and the human dimension of pollinator conservation. The full schedule is below, along with the link to register to view the talks.

11/29: Reed Johnson, Honey Bees in the City: Where Are They Feeding, and How Do We Know?

11/30: Gerardo Camilo, The City as a Refuge for Insect Pollinators

12/1: Mary Gardiner, Vacant Lots as Urban Bee Habitat

12/2: Scott MacIvor, Constructed Green Infrastructure to Support Wild Bees:
Does it Work?

12/3: Damon Hall, Policy Dimensions of Insect Pollinator Conservation

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